Bolton Safeguarding Children - Home page
Important notice
Please note this website and its content will be subject to review as we make the transition to Bolton Safeguarding Children Partnership and as such is not yet fully reflective of the new partnership arrangements. Read more about the new multi-agency safeguarding arrangements for Bolton below.
Concerned about a child?
If you are worried that a child may be being abused or neglected then please take action.
Bolton Safeguarding Children Partnership (BSCP) is the partnership responsible for making sure that children and young people in Bolton are safe.
Procedures and useful documents
The Greater Manchester Safeguarding Procedures Manual is an online, regional resource which establishes a set of common multi agency safeguarding policies for use across Greater Manchester.
GM procedures manual
Latest news
Early Help Assessment and Review Documents Revised and Updated
The Early Help Assessment and Action Plan and the Review Form (versions 3.0) have been further developed following consultation with practitioners and managers.
Summary of Changes to BSCB Managing Allegations Procedures
BSCB has recently reviewed and revised its Managing Allegations (LADO) Policy, and below is a summary of the key revisions.