Bolton Safeguarding Children Partnership - Network Bites

Network Bites

As part of the BSCP’s priority to promote working together and sharing good practice we are making some short Network Bite sessions avialable.These sessions focus on individual agencies and subject areas from key partners.

The aim is for staff from any agency to be able to familiarise themselves with good practice that takes place in Bolton to support Children’s safeguarding, detailing what help can be resourced, the pathways to access services, key contacts, as well as increasing overall knowledge.

Network Bite 19 – Missing Children Protocol (Bolton)

Presented by Nick Libell,  Head of Service (Conferences, Reviews & partnerships)

There are approximatly 2,000 missing episodes a year for children and young people in Bolton. This webinar introduces Bolton's new protocol regarding Children who go Missing and Multi-agency working. It sets out the strategic and operational responses by the Local Authority and partner agencies as well as offering advice and guidance for practitioners.

The protocol affects your day-to-day practice regarding:

  • Specific operational information for “who does what”.
  • What young people want from us.
  • Practice tips, e.g. on push and pull factors.
  • Missing strategy discussions
  • Guidance on return interviews.

Network Bite 18 – Elective Home Education

Presented by Caroline Smith,  Inclusive Education and Learning 

This webinar will provide advice, guidance and the process to dealing with families where Elective Home Education is being carried out or considered.

As many as 92,000 children in England are being electively home educated and this may place children at increased risk as they are less likely to be visible to services, and as such evidence of harm is less likely to be available to agencies.

This risk is further increased when a child has never been registered with a school or has moved into an area and not registered with a school.

Network Bite 17 - Early Intervention Service and Fixed Penalty Notices "The New Framework 2024"

Presented by Selina Bayliss

New guidance, "Working Together to Improve School Attendance", came into force on the 19 August 2024. This webinar advises on the guidance and changes that will impact from the Department for Education (DfE).

This guidance is statutory, and schools, trusts, governing bodies, and local authorities must have regard to it as part of their efforts to maintain high levels of school attendance


25 April 2024

Ciara Steele

This webinar showcases Bolton’s Participation and Engagement Team Bolton Youth Justice Service working in partnership with the wider workforce to ensure the voice of children and young people is evident across Bolton to influence and encourage change in all our service delivery. The Team host and manage a Youth Voice vehicle that consists of many Youth Action Groups incorporating all children and young people including the most vulnerable young people in Bolton. Children and young people are heavily involved in its design and Take Over events across Bolton council and partners. This webinar will inform and encourage your engagement with this very useful resource.

Network Bite 15 - Greater Manchester Police: Interventions For Vulnerable Adults And Children (Part 2)

29 February 2024

Sulin Ratcliffe, Case Management Lead, Case Management Team GMP Bolton and Katherine Metcalfe, GMP Challneger explain to partner agencies working with our local community around the different Police Interventions available to them regarding Forced Marriage, Honour Based Violence and Female Genital Mutilation interventions.

Network Bite 14 - Bolton at Home

12 December 2023

Bolton at Home: work to create homes and communities we can all be proud of.

In this webinar Karen Allsop outlines how they own, manage, and maintain more than 18,000 homes across the borough and in doing have a unique window into peoples lives to be able to help, support and safeguard when necessary.

Their work goes far beyond bricks and mortar and amongst many things are involved in:

  • Tackling poverty with debt and money advice.
  • Providing food and clothes initiatives and help people keep warm for less.
  • Supporting tenants and residents into training and employment
  • Deal with antisocial behaviour
  • Help customers to remain independent in their own homes with a community alarm service and adaptation
  • Work with volunteer groups to build sustainable communities.
  • Work collaboratively with front-line practitioners, children and their families to identify effective responses to needs where possible

Network Bite 13 - Urban Outreach

18 October 2023

Established in 1990, Urban Outreach (Bolton) seek to support children, families and individuals to build a stronger future by providing high quality and creative support to men, women and children whoare disadvantaged, distressed and/or in acute need within our town.

Urban Outreach procure and maintain a rolling programme of project activity which aims to meet the needs of vulnerable, high-risk/high-cost and marginalised children, young people, families and individual adults by working with a range of partners to maintain a broad range of volunteering opportunities and to mobilise volunteers to add value and impact to our work.

Network Bite  12  -   Learning From Reviews (Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews, Rapid Reviews.)   

13 September 2023

Shona Green the Board Officer for the Bolton Safeguarding Childrens partnership provides an insight into Bolton’s safeguarding children arrangements commitment and how they are informed and reactive to the lived experiences of children to identify learning and develop effective responses. The various reviews are key to this process to create a culture of continuous development, improvement and learning. This network Bite considers the process and the learning from recent reviews.

Network Bite  11  -  Children Social Care: Safeguarding Arrangements (Update) 

13 July 2023

Natalie Nicholson. Integrated Front Door Team Manager and Carly Smith, Team manager, Targeted Early Help provide an overview of Childrens Social Access and services including Early Help, Targeted Help and Statutory Services. Including the availability of advice and drop in centres both for parents and professionals seeking guidance, help and advice. The current safeguarding arrangements have been running for 2 years and the webinar provided opportunity for practitioners present to ask questions regarding issues they a have encountered.

Network Bite 10 - Greater Manchester Police: Interventions for Vulnerable Adults and Children (Part 1)

30 June 2023

Sulin Ratcliffe, Case Management Lead, Case Management Team GMP Bolton explains to partner agencies working with our local community around the different Police Interventions available to them. In this first part a close look is taken at the use of Claire's Law (domestic abuse) and Sarah's Law (sexual abusers) and the associated positive actions and orders that can be put in place to protect victims and manage suspects.

In Part 2 to follow later in the year Stalking and Harassment, Forced Marriage, Honour Based Violence and Female Genital Mutilation interventions will be discussed and explained.

Network Bite 9 - "Dad Matters"

23 May 2023

Dan Blackman provides information regarding “ Dad Matters” which aims to help dads have successful relationships with their families; engage with services to make sure dads know how important they are to families and how essential they are for baby’s development.

This session will explain how "Dad Matters" can help engage dads with services that have traditionally been targeted at mums, and to train & support staff and support dads with anxiety, stress and mental health issues.

The agency works directly with services that support dads and families to increase engagement and knowledge across the sector. This webinar will help you understand how and why we work with dads in the perinatal period and how theycan support you and dads.

Network Bite 8 - Fabricated and Induced Illness and Perplexing Health Presentations 

Thursday 26 January 2023

Dr Gabrielle Lipshen, Consultant, Community and Acute Paediatrics, Bolton provides an insight into addressing FII and PP and best practice advice in the management of these cases to minimise harm to children. This includes any clinical situation where the parent or carer’s actions are aimed at convincing doctors and other professionals that a child is more seriously ill than is the case.  

The webinar covers  the potential harm to the child; the principles of the clinical and multi-agency approach; the terminology used and an ultimate aim at a Health and Education rehabilitation plan.

Network Bite 7 - Bolton Disabled Children Services

The Disabled Children Service aim to ensure that disabled children, young people and their families have the support they need to be fully participating members of the Bolton family. The team work with health, education, social care etc to provide services from birth up to the age of 18, to young people who have a long term disability and whose care needs are significantly and consistently greater than children and young people of the same age. The team link to other services, including short break care (see also Short Breaks Overview) and transition planning.  The team have access to a number of specialist provision. This webinar will help you to understand how to support families who may have need of the service.

Network Bite 6 - Bolton Lads and Girls Club

Bolton Lads and Girls Club is a youth club and registered charity based in Bolton. They have a universal open access offer of resources:

  • Play and youth work, sport provision, arts and music programmes, dance, drama, multi-media, outreach and detached street based programmes in neighbourhoods and communities

  • Projects such as the National Citizens Service, Young Leaders programmes and SEND programmes

  • Tailored packages of support to vulnerable and complex children, young people and families including 1:1 , Early Help, Young Carers service, programmes for Looked after children, and programmes that tackle employability, homelessness, independent living for those 16 plus through psycho & social suppor

  • A range of mental health services including bereavement support, Safe Zones, THRIVE practitioners and work in schools providing 1:1 and group therapeutic support

Network Bite 5  ; Education Enforcement and Child Employment 

The Early Intervention Service are concerned with the enforcement and regulation of Education and Employment of children. This webinar will share what they do and how they can work with organisations.

As part of the wider safeguarding provision in Bolton The Education Intervention Service have a range of options and support services to support and if necessary take action where attendance of children is irregular or not meeting statutory obligations including

  • School Attendance Orders (SAO),
  • Education Supervision Orders (ESO),
  • Parenting Contracts, Parenting Orders
  • Prosecution / Fixed Penalty Notices

The service also regulates and issues licences for children in any form of employment or working in the entertainment industry.

Network Bite 4 -Community Learning Disability Team (Adults)

The Community Learning Disability Team play a crucial role in the transition of children to adult servcies and the imapct of parents or carers who have learning disabilities and their children.

As part of the wider safeguarding provision in Bolton they provide an integrated multi-disciplinary health and social care team who work together to provide specialist health and social care services for adults with learning disabilities from the age of 18 including:

  • Social Workers and Community Assessment Officers
  • Nurses / Nursing assistants
  • Physiotherapists and a Technical Instructor
  • Psychologists
  • Occupational Therapists
  • Speech and Language Therapy

Network Bite 3 - Behaviour Support Service and Early Intervention Service

In this “Network Bite” from the Behaviour Support Service and the Early Intervention Service, you will receive an insight into the provision offered by these services and the range of support and enforcement mechanisms available.

The Behaviour Support service works closely with schools and families to support children who have social, emotional or mental health difficulties; predominantly focused on reducing disruptive behaviour in schools.

In addition the service provides:

  • Strategies and interventions for supporting children with Social Emotional Mental Health issues including training, class room observations and reports
  • Basic dyslexia screening for pupils in schools
  • Direct one-to-one and groupwork with children, and parenting support and training

The Early Intervention Service works to ensure children of compulsory school-age have access to suitable, full-time education. The service is primarily responsible for the investigation of irregular attendance and ensuring parents fulfil their responsibilities around education.

In addition the service provides:

  • Targeted keyworker support to the most vulnerable children and families
  • Safeguarding visits to children who are subject to a Child Protection plan when they are absent from school
  • Licensing of children involved in entertainment, modelling and employment, and registration of Chaperones


Network Bite 2 - Children and Young People’s Mental Health

Bolton has a vast selection of services and support available.

In this “Network Bite” staff from the Mental Health Services, including CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services), outline what's available locally.

There are national requirements to increase access to mental health interventions and these are implemented via Bolton Bolton’s Local Transformation Plan for Children and Young People’s Mental Health – 2021/22 Refresh.

This Network Bite gives information on:

  • the simplified access to mental health support
  • how to also access support to Parents and Carers
  • coordinated Information process
  • sign-posting to mental health training
  • the steps being taken to reduce stigma including the use of I-thrive
  • Services available and access to CAMHS


Network Bite 1 - Children’s Social Care

Children’s Social care is at the centre of our safeguarding processes and procedures.  

It is essential we know what is available for our families and children. In this “Network Bite” Emma Coxon, Principle Social Worker for Bolton, talks through the resources and services available in Children’s Social Care. The presentation includes:

  • Departments and roles within Children’s Social Care
  • Pathways and support available including targeted help and early help.
  • Overview of the Bolton Family Framework Model
  • How Children's Social Care work with other agencies